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Maintaining your window & door glazing

Getting the most out of your quality glass products.

Clean windows can be a great way of bringing new life to your home. While it can sometimes feel like a daunting task, adopting a simple approach to cleaning to your glass windows and doors will keep your house looking spectacular all year round without the need for hours of work.

The first possible phase in which glass can become dirty is usually during construction. Debris such as masonry dust, welding, cement particles, paint, and tape residue can come into contact with the glass.  Keep welding and angle grinders away from glass during the construction process.  

Cement and concrete are highly alkaline and can cause irreparable damage to the glass surface. Therefore all trades must take due care whilst working near glass. At the time of construction suitable precautions must be taken to minimise any damage to the glass surface. 

The ongoing care and maintenance of glass is an important factor in its performance and will also ensure your warranty is maintained.  


Windows & Doors Care & Maintenance Instructions
  • Occasionally spot cleaning may be required to remove stubborn dirt or foreign materials which adhere to the surface. Spot cleaning products work to remove markings from grease, oil, tape adhesive, and crayons or other waxy materials as well as paint and rub-off marks from plastics.  
  • While cleaning ensure jewellery and watches are removed and gloves should be worn to avoid scratching the surface of the glass. Scratches that occur from foreign objects will be permanent and are not repairable.  
  • Apply a small quantity of the cleaner listed above to a clean, wet cloth or towel.  
  • Rub on areas of glass needing spot cleaning.  
  • Wipe clean using a dry, clean, lint free towel or cloth followed by a routine cleaning procedure.  
  • Recommended spot cleaning products: Methylated Spirits (solvent available from supermarkets and hardware stores). Please use strictly in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and warnings.
  • Remove any dirt or debris from the glass as soon as it is visible.  
  • Flood the surface with water or cleaning solutions to remove loose dust and grit.  
  • For best results, clean the glass beginning at the top and working downwards.  
  • Wipe with a clean wet cloth, free of grit, (as gritty dirt particles picked up by the cloth could scratch the glass), until glass is visibly clean.  
  • Rinse with clean water.  
  • Dry immediately with a clean lint-free cloth.
  • To prevent streaking, stop wiping when the glass is almost dry and there is a uniform residue of moisture left on the glass surface. The residue will quickly evaporate leaving a clean surface.   
  • Low E coated glass has a very thin metal coating on the interior glass surface. This hard and durable coating gives the product its improved thermal insulation and solar control performance compared to ordinary clear glass. The coated surface of the glass does clean differently to ordinary glass and these guidelines are recommended for the most appropriate hand cleaning results. 
  • Flood the glass surface generously with a recommended cleaning product. Options include clear liquid Windex or similar, a mixture of one part vinegar with ten parts water, or cloth saturated with the cleaning solution.  
  • Wipe the wetted surface with a clean, lint-free towel or cloth.  
  • Wipe dry with a dry, clean, lint-free towel or cloth.  
  • Do not use a squeegee on the coated (interior) surface.  
  • To prevent streaking, stop wiping when the glass is almost dry and there is a uniform film of moisture left on the glass surface. The moisture will quickly evaporate leaving a clean surface.  

The cleaning of toughened glass requires special consideration. The glass surface on the opposite side to the Safety Compliance Stamp may, as a consequence of the manufacturing process, have what’s called ‘pickup’ on the surface. ‘Pickup’ is a deposit of very small particles of glass which are fused on the glass surface. It important during the cleaning of toughened glass not dislodge these particles, otherwise scratching of the glass surface may result. 

The use of a soft cleaning cloth is only recommended on toughened glass as to not dislodge 'pickup’. It is suggested that professional cleaners consult with their suppliers as to the suitability of available cleaning equipment, materials and methods before attempting to clean toughened glass.  

Dry, overcast days are the perfect time for cleaning windows and doors. A lower temperature and less direct sunlight will allow cleaning solutions to dry slowly and reduce the risk of streaks and water staining.

When cleaning multi-paned windows or doors, always work from top to bottom to prevent streaks.

To further prevent streaking, stop wiping the glass when it is almost dry. This will leave a uniform film of moisture on the glass surface that will dry evenly in the heat of the day.

  • Windex® Multi-Surface Cleaner (other Windex® branded varieties may be used but may lead to problematic streaking of the glass).  For a natural alternative a mixture of one-part vinegar with ten parts water can be used in place of store bought cleaners. 
  • In addition to the above products, commercially available vinegar-based glass cleaners have generally demonstrated an ability to provide a clean, streak-free glass surface. We do not recommend the use of ammonia-based and alcohol-based glass cleaners because these products tend to leave visible streaks.  
  • The use of a squeegee is not recommended and could increase the risk of damage to glass and as such should be avoided if possible. Never use a squeegee on the coated (interior) surface of the glass.  
  • Do not use any additives that contain hydrofluoric acid or have the possibility of forming hydrofluoric acid. Hydrofluoric acid is a highly corrosive liquid and is a contact poison.  
  • Do not use razor blades, steel wool, scouring bristles or other metallic or abrasive objects.  
  • While cleaning ensure jewellery and watches are removed and gloves should be worn to avoid scratching the surface of the glass. Scratches that occur from foreign objects will be permanent and are not repairable.  
  • Do not use cleaners which contain Phosphoric acid as they are corrosive to the glass surface.  
  • Do not clean the glass when the glass is hot or in direct sunlight.  If the glass warms too much while the windows are wet, the cleaner may dry before wiping the window clean, leaving spots, streaks and film. 
  • Do not allow cleaning solutions to contact the edges of laminated glass, Insulating Glass Units or Mirrors.   
  • Do not store or place other material in contact with the glass. (This can damage the glass or create a heat trap leading to thermal breakage).  
  • Avoid causing extreme temperature changes to the glass as this may lead to thermal fracture of the glass, i.e. do not splash hot water on cold glass or freezing water on hot glass.   
  • Some tapes or adhesives can stain or damage glass surfaces. Avoid using such materials unless they are known to be easily removed.  
  • Do not remove paint spots using a sharp razor blade or metal scrapers. The use of these items will cause damage to the glass. As an alternative, investigate solvents or graffiti removal materials, ensuring that they will not damage the glass. 

It is important that you look after your Stegbar products in order to maintain the warranty and also to ensure a lifetime of good looks and functionality.

Here are some further guidelines, information and tips and tricks to help you keep your Stegbar products in tip top condition:

Aluminium windows and doors

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Painting, finishing & sealing windows & doors

Hardware care and maintenance for windows and doors

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